Relationships Are For Giving, Not For Getting
Relationships are not just about finding someone to share your life with; they are about building a connection that stands the test of time.
Giving is a vital component of any successful relationship and making that happen. When we give to our partner, we demonstrate our commitment to them, the relationship, and our desire to see it thrive.
When most people think of relationships, they often focus on what they can get from them. They expect their partner to fulfill their emotional needs and provide them with happiness. However, that is a major mistake. True happiness and fulfillment in relationships comes not from getting but from giving.
There are numerous benefits to giving in relationships. First of all, giving creates a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment for both partners. When you give without expecting anything in return, you’ll feel a sense of joy and happiness that you made your partner happy. You’ll also feel valued because doing so will raise your self-esteem. This positive energy becomes a part of your relationship’s culture and is experienced as meaningful and valuable.
Giving in relationships can be acts of kindness, generosity, or selflessness. It can be something as simple as making your partner's favorite meal or listening to their problems without judgment while making sure that they know you understand them and their feelings completely. Giving allows you to express your love and appreciation for your partner and strengthen the bond between you.
Also, giving in relationships creates a cycle of reciprocity. When we give to others and they really know what Love is, it’s almost a guarantee that they will want to give back to us as a way of saying thanks. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship where both parties feel valued and appreciated. If you need proof, all you have to do is pay attention to parents of young children. They love their children even though their children can’t reciprocate in any way other than with gratitude.
Lastly, giving in relationships fosters a sense of trust and intimacy. Giving to your partner demonstrates to them that you care about their well-being and happiness. This creates a safe space where the both of you can be vulnerable and authentic with each other. Vulnerability and authenticity are among the greatest things that couples in a relationship can experience because vulnerability and authenticity are qualities of character that are highly desired and won’t stop impacting couples no matter how old they are or the state of their physical condition. If you’ve ever seen couples in their 80’s or 90’s still holding hands, this is why.
In conclusion, generosity is a critical component of any successful relationship. By practicing generosity, you can build stronger, more resilient connections with your partner.
Remember that in the end, relationships are not for-getting; they are for-giving.