Just Because Relationships Haven’t Worked For You Yet Doesn’t Mean That They Don’t Work
If you pay any attention to long-running Romantic Relationships and do so with an open mind and open heart, you’ll just because you haven’t been in a great loving relationship doesn’t mean that it can’t happen. Also, it doesn’t mean that they were “Lucky” that their relationship worked out for so long.
One of the main challenges that people who’ve never been in a great relationship is they expect others to do what they want and have no idea that they probably don’t do what the other person wants either. This is because Expectations have nothing to do with Reality. Open-mindedness allows reality to show itself and be observed, then implemented or coordinated within a person’s desires and eventually, in a relationship.
In the book Think & Grow Rich, Napolean Hill is told by Andrew Carnegie that the best way to be successful is to maintain friendships with people who are more successful than you are so they can help you get to the level of success you desire. The book has been a Best Seller from the 1930s to this day. The great thing about it is that what’s written in that book also applies to Romantic Relationships. In other words, develop and maintain relationships with people who have been wildly successful in their relationship so you can be directly or indirectly mentored into being able to produce the same results in your life.
Your past has nothing to do with your future. There was a time when you didn’t know how to walk but you didn’t let that stop you from eventually being able to do it. The same is true for every other area in your life, in this case, romantic relationships. Also, remember that you aren’t doing the best you can. You’re only doing the best you know how. The more you learn, the greater your chances of being successful and happy in a great romantic relationship.
At first, you’ll just be happy, amazed, or confused around how come these other people’s relationships work. However, by being around them, objectively watching their habits, practices, and commitments, you'll improve your relationship skill sets, practices, vision and so much more. You’ll benefit from doing this even more than interns do at companies they want to eventually work for or sports figures being coached and mentored by the greatest in their field.
What can and will support you around this issue further is if you study more than just one couple. Study 5 to 10 of them and you’ll see Patterns, Commonalities, and Practices that all successful relationships have. How you know this will work is because this is what businesses do to become successful, particularly around Sales and Marketing. They don’t stop researching their market. Ever. This is because they know things change, and they don’t want to be side-swiped because of that. They also know that just because they’re right today doesn’t mean something won’t come along, change everything and they are no longer in a position of power in their niche. Imagine how well the commercials in the 1940s and 1950s would work in today’s market.
As a reminder, this is about giving you the tools to learn how to make relationships work for you so don’t let the business discussion take you away from it. It’s only for context, not the entire topic at hand.
Love can take over an entire environment and the people in it. Let yourself be taken over by love whenever it can and does happen because if and when you do, you’ll be happy that you did.